Long time, no blog. But I'm back
Hello, it's me. I've thought about you for a long, long time! Maybe I shouldn't think of you as mine. (Well, that pic isn't of me, it's my cyber look). Thanks to Todd Rundgren for those opening words.
Yes, it's been awhile since I've used this old blog spot of mine. After discovering FB and notes, I tended to post my thoughts about life, the universe, and everything in the notes file. Which is find for the 300 or so people I have on my friends list. What about the rest of the world?
So, I decided to come back to the blogosphere, posting my rants, raves, and 'mewsings' of things going on around me. Contrary to the opiion of a disgruntled few, I am not so totally Sons of Anachy centric that all my posts are gonna be about that. Surprisingly, there is more to life than a tee vee show.
Oh, yes I did say that.
Since the last time I've posted here, many things have happened. We got the house and moved in; we've been married 16 years now, and we lost T'Pring (our then eldest furbaby in 2004) to cancer, and Jean - Luc, our eldest boy, to kidney failure. We adopted two fosters, Clio the Bengal and Toots the Siamese. Toots died a few months after Jean - Luc in 2009. We adoped two more furbabies, Cutie Pie and Calvin. We have six cats right now. Three girls (two black and the begal) and three boys (1 black, 1 lynx siamese, 1 grey stripe).
I've had and lost a few jobs snce 2008; two insurance claims jobs went by the wayside. Never did get anyway with the former telecommunications job and the union tryin' to get me reinstated; the position moved out of the state!
The husband is back in retail management, and is doing well. He's a very patient man, puttin' up with my fangirl behavior for two certain Scottish actors (Gerard Butler and Tommy Flanagan) and a Canadian named Kim Coates. I write in fanfiction in my free time, and if you go my Google homepage, (look up lowecat), you'll find the link to fanfiction.net, where I write as wanderingchat.
(the backstory on that penname is this; when I started back into fanfiction after a long hiatus, I plunged in with Phantom of the Opera fanafic. My favorite song from the Andrew Lloyd Weber musical is 'Wandering Child'. Since my cyber name is 'Cat', the French word is 'chat' so 'waneringchat' was born).
You can also find me on twitter, facebook, and you tube. My interests are varied. I'll be reposting some of my FB notes on this blog.
Check out the blogs I follow; they make for interesting reading.
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