mid week mewsings
Went by the old workplace yesterday, trying to play catch up with a friend from there, only to learn later that he was working past my bedtime....or nearly past it. But, he called today, so we'll try to hook up later in the week.
But, I did see a few people that were being missed, and got to play a bit of catch up, even if it was hurried. That was nice, and it appears that it's good not to be there now; as things just seem to be going downhill in that department very quickly. Morale seems to be really low, form what I could gather, and that's too bad.
The neighborhood is settling down; there's supposed to be a candlelight vigil/service tonight at the scene where the cop died; I thought of going, but it's just too many people to deal with, and there are lunches to make me and the DH, and I'm worn out.
We had a pretty good rain last night, and thunder, which the baby cat doesn't like. Ever since the tornado that came through the neighborhood this past May, she gets very frightened of storms. She kept following me around last night, until I picked her up and held her. She was quivering and very wide eyed for awhile, then eventually settled down. Once the storm was over, she was back to her regular impish little self.
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