Leavin' on a Jet Plane

OK, I'm showin' my age here with the song title; Peter, Paul and Mary sang this back in the 60's.
"All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go. . ."
Make that bag. One. It's three days, y'know.
But what a three days it is gonna be. Wowser!
The DH and I will be leavin' good ole Indy at 550AM; that's when the plane is supposed to leave the gate. Interestingly enough, we arrive at Chitown (Chicago) for a brief layover at -- 550AM! While flyin' to Chi is a Helluva lot quicker than drivin', it's not quite that fast. That's the first time zone we'll cross, from Eastern into Central time (and yes, I know, we can do that right here in IN. That's not the point).
We're scheduled to arrive at the infamous LAX airport at 1115 AM PST (or is that PDT?), and will be picked up and driven to our hotel. Check in time is 3pm. Mr. Sutter and his very wonderful staff have put up -- I mean PUT US UP at the Intercontinental Hotel. Very nice accomodations. I'm overwhelmed by it.
The weather forecast is sunny and 70 degrees tomorrow during the day, 49 at night. The DH and I are goin' to Michael Marisi Ornstein's showing at Perri Cartel Ink (a $25 cab ride from the hotel), that evenin', so my leather jacket will come in handy. Sure as Hell beats the 32 and SNOW (not stickin', but still!!!!) we're havin' here in Indy.
The kitties are NOT very happy with the idea of bein' left with a kitty sitter for the weekend. Our friend and neighbor is gonna come and feed them, and bring in the mail on Saturday and the paper on Sunday for us. I've had to remove my little girl from my suitcase several times. We have a sayin' around here that 'cat fur is both an accessory and a condiment!' The cats are makin' sure I'm well accessorized.
Excitement is growin' by leaps and bounds. I'll probably get tired and sleep some of the flight. I know the DH will do so. The digital camera is ready, I have tunes to listen to with my earphones, the laptop will be goin' on the plane with me (the suitcase will be checked) as I may get some writin' done.
Stay tuned to my twitter feed, as pics will get posted as well as updates. If you don't yet follow me, look for @Lowecat.
Thanks again to Mr. Sutter for pickin' little old me from all the thousands of SOA fans in the cyberverse. It's a dream come true that will be treasured for a long, long time.
And, so that I don't completely embarass myself here, in the immortal words of Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World (SNL): Lowecat, prostrates self on floor, chantin' "I'm not worthy!" three times while bowin', risin', and bowin' again.
Purrs and whisker kisses!
Michael is so cool and such a talent, love his photos and he has family out east too. Have a great time and tell him Binky Jewel loves his artwork!
Such a sweet humble lady. You deserve this trip, so enjoy the daylights out of it! Have fun, take tons of pics. Much love & peace ~Cine AKA Harley_rider
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