A break from the heat came today in the form of temps in the 70s. It won't last long, but it's nice to have the a/c off for a day.
Got a "nice" piece of mail today; seems the former employer isn't happy to have lost the first round in my unemployment compensation. They filed an appeal. The letter said we will be notified in writing of a hearing date.
I don't worry much, as it was the department head who decided against the return to work, ot me. But it's a major PITA, beyond a doubt.
Finished dubbing off my VHS copies of 'The Prisoner", and after dubbing to DVD a jumpy copy of the Scarecrow of Romney Marsh (Disney film), found out on-line that a DVD copy is indeed forthcoming. *sigh* Another wasted DVDR!
Next on the list of dubs from VHS to DVD are the Night Stalker collection and then the two part Scarlett miniseries. Then I get into the big cache of VHS films to make my own collections.
Mewsings from Lowecat (aka Indianacat)
My rants, ravings, and overall 'mewsings' on life, the universe, and everything.
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