The Jackson family has struck again! This time, little sister Janet has outdistanced big bro in the outrageous behavior category by doing on national non syndicated tee vee what hundreds of wimmin have done on the Springer show each and every day, flashing her boob.
OK, technically, it was flashed FOR her, courtesy of Justin Timberlake. Still, it made for a rather eye-popping two seconds of tee vee, and anyone possessing TIVO or a DVR that was recording the uncensored two seconds will be in Heaven for awhile as the put that two seconds on slomo time after time after time. It certainly set the gossips wagging away all day today. Even Nightline, that staid haven of conversative network television programming, headlined the event. @@
Whether it was planned or an accident (and the bets are on that it was a plan that went a little too far), there is a time and a place to flash your boob or whatever genitalia floats your boat, and there is a time and a place for such private parts to remain, well, private.
Maybe it's just that I'm getting older and more conservative as my age creeps ever closer to the downhill side of 40. Maybe it's because during my wild and wanton youth, I never found it necessary to extend the miracle of the full moon in broad daylight, or to flash one (or both) of my best assets to the world at large.
I like a lot of Janet's music, but have to wonder why ANY woman with a lick of sense would allow herself to demean herself in such a manner by allowing ANYONE to grab onto her mammary gland in public, much less tear fabric from it!
C'mon ladies, let's be a little more respectful of ourselves, otherwise the wolves out there will continue to think it's open season.