It's Spring!!!! Finally!
Spring arrived yesterday evening. Today we had 70 degree temperatures and some rain, but Tig and I managed to get out for a bit. Nothin' like the feelin' of wind in yer hair and the occasional bug gettin' in your teeth (note to self, keep mouth closed while ridin', which is hard to do when one has a big, happy grin on one's face from ridin'!). Nothin' like the feelin' of a powerful engine between yer legs, better than a BOB (if ya gotta ask, ya don't wanna know!).
The daffodils are startin' to shoot up, and things are beginnin' to look a little greener. Of course, Indiana weather is changable; if you don't like it (or even if you do), wait five minutes, and it'll change. The weather forecasters are sayin' the four letter "S" word, snow is in the forecast for later this week.
Soon, the DH will be gettin' the lawn mower out, and takin' care of the lawn duties. Might be a good time to trim the rose bush out front, though I kinda like the fact that it's thorny self makes it more difficult for solicitors to come around. I like that part, but don't like when it snags me.
So as the Wbos down in Whoville, the tall and the small, tend to say, 'Welcome Springtime, come this way.' Stay around a while. I like the warmer weather.