Yesterday was a stinkin' hot day in Gotham, with heat index well into the 100s. Not a great day for job hunting, but my application at the city hall HR needed to be updated for other jobs. Apparently, since no one from the Econ Development Dept ever called me for the 2nd interview, that job must have fallen through.
So, I sweat my way from the parking lot to the city/county building, stand and sweat while the rent a cop searches my purse (why, I do not know), and then ride the elevator up to the HR department, only to find that the blighters had changed their hours to 8a to 1p; and I was there at 2pm.
So, as sweat puddled under me, back out to the car I squished, to relax in the blessed a/c and ran a few other errands of necessity, leaving the application to be updated next week.
Today is cooler, but still sunny, and my ass is staying indoors. Have received a few telephone inquiries on my on line apps, and set up a few appointments for next week.
Heard from the union VP yesterday; he wanted permission to give my number to anyone who mentions to him a job possibility. He was tickled that the state is allowing me the unemployment compensation, and advised the arbitration has been filed but no news yet.
Did a VHS to DVD dub of a televised Disney film, "Scarecrow of Romney Marsh" which I knew would be jumpy as all heck, but the Disney website didn't indicate it was coming out. Later on, after wasting a DVDR disc, I found out that said movie is indeed due out, so have it on pre order. But wouldn't you know!!!!
Mewsings from Lowecat (aka Indianacat)
My rants, ravings, and overall 'mewsings' on life, the universe, and everything.
Friday, July 23, 2004
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Went on a job interview today; did some evaluation testing to see if I know (or can find) my way about a program called Excel. I did ok, and have an interview tomorrow morning at 9am. Then off up into BF Fishers to find this new telecommunications center that is hiring. We'll see if 19 years of experience will earn me the base pay of $10, or maybe a little more....IF, that is, they want what I have to offer.
To top everything off, I think that a summer cold is creeping up on me. There are sneezes and a dripping nose, and watery eyes. Is there anything worse than a summer cold?
(yes, a winter cold. Or a cold at ANY time of the year).
On another note; the job fair Monday never materialized. I went to the right place on the email, but the hotel knew nothing about it. At least the parking didn't cost me anything as the car was only parked for five minutes.
FINALLY quit playing phone tag with the HR person at Comcast cable; she did a pre-interview, so we'll see what happens.
Did a little more walking today without appliances, and feeling a little stronger about it. Today was warm, but so far, no rain.
Thoughts from Saturday
Heard from one of the job contacts today (OK, it was Friday). Called them back and now we're playing phone tag. At least they called. That's something.
DH took me to dinner tonight, I had some decadent blueberry cheesecake and it didn't make me sick. We share the cheesecake, and I had a couple of bites. DH doesn't do blueberries often, but he did so this time, just for me.
A good friend has a birthday coming up. I'm giving him my VHS copies of some films: V, Robocop, Star Trek because we have them on DVD now. He'll appreciate them, even previously viewed. And, I have a comic book for him. Like me, he's a comic book fiend, though I'm not as bad about it as in my wanton youth.
This weekend, will try to get some semblance of order into the back room, which is our dining room and video/music library. The DR table, which we rarely use anymore, has become quite cluttered. It's time to make some order out of chaos.
Thoughts from July 18th
Today was a nice day outside, not that I saw much of it except for my daily constitutional. Slept in big time, probably because the B12 level is low. Whenever I skip a day or two in taking the B12, I sleep LOTS.
Going to a job fair tomorrow, printed up a few copies of the old resume, and will see what happens. Tried all evening to get to the State Employer Service website to do my voucher, but the thing wouldn't let me in. Probably being maintained. Ick.
DH has the next two days off, not sure what he plans to do. Hopefully, he'll take some time to relax. He's entitled.
Nothing much else to say today. It's just a regular Sunday.